Monday, March 3, 2014

Things to come...

It's been a while since I have actually posted anything on this blog. I do have a couple of things I am working on in my spare time that I hope to have out within the next couple of weeks (I know that I keep saying that but this time I mean it!).

However, I do have some exciting news:

I am pleased to announce that this space will now include various written works on coaching by people other than myself! In the next few weeks, you can expect to see articles on a variety of different topics within the broader umbrella of soccer in America.

My goal with this blog and my writing has always been to create a forum of sorts for people similar to me - coaches of youth or college soccer who are not always content with the status quo. In other words, coaches who at times feel that the current and accepted organization and way of coaching in our country might not be the best way to develop young players.

My hope is to expand the focus of this blog to include perspectives from those who have a different point of view than myself, and thus widen the demographic range that this blog will target, as well as prompting more discussion and debate. This will include those that have experience in the women's game, the administrative side of things, and perhaps even the parental side of things.

I appreciate those of you who have taken the time to read what I have written in the past, and hope that you will continue to read in the future!

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